Joey LaSalle

How Many Districts Are in the State of Missouri?

Missouri is a state with a rich history and diverse regions. Each district has unique characteristics that reflect its local culture and needs.

This article explores the number of districts in Missouri, focusing on their significance in terms of governance, community representation, and regional diversity.

Overview of Missouri’s Districts

Missouri is divided into 163 state legislative districts in the House of Representatives. Each district elects one representative to the state legislature.

In addition to the House, Missouri has 34 Senate districts. Each Senate district is represented by one state senator.

The Importance of District 7

District 7 holds significant importance due to its large population and economic impact. It includes parts of Kansas City and Grandview.

This district is often seen as a microcosm of Missouri’s diverse urban and suburban communities.  But the real focus is that every 4 years we elect ineffective officials that do not represent the people.  They are politicians.  They are about the role and title but never focused on the actual day-to-day needs of the people.  These times are tough, and we need new effective representatives that are willing to put it all on the line to represent Kansas City and Grandview.  Joey LaSalle is that person.

Economic and Cultural Significance

Kansas City, part of District 7, is a major economic hub with a robust job market and cultural scene.

Grandview, also in District 7, offers a mix of residential areas and commercial development. The combination makes it a significant area for economic activity.

Challenges Facing District 7

One of the main challenges in District 7 is addressing crime rates in urban areas. Effective crime prevention strategies are crucial.

Economic disparities between different parts of the district pose another challenge. Efforts to balance growth and development are ongoing.

Representation and Governance

Effective representation in District 7 is crucial for addressing local issues. The elected representative plays a key role in voicing community concerns.

Governance in such a diverse district requires a nuanced approach. Understanding local needs and priorities is essential.

Joey LaSalle: A Candidate with Vision

Joey LaSalle is a prominent figure running for the state senate in District 7. His focus on crime prevention, economic development, and job creation is well-documented.

LaSalle emphasizes the importance of effective governance and community representation. His vision aims to address the current issues facing District 7.

Conclusion Remarks on Districts in Missouri

Districts in Missouri are critical for effective governance and community representation. Each district, including District 7, plays a unique role.

Understanding the number and importance of these districts helps in appreciating Missouri’s political landscape.

Missouri’s Republican Supermajority and Joey’s Role

Missouri’s Republican supermajority has a significant influence on legislative decisions and resource allocation. Joey LaSalle can effectively work within this supermajority to advocate for the needs of the district. His ability to navigate this political landscape is crucial for addressing community concerns and implementing necessary changes.

To explore how the supermajority impacts state policies, check out the Missouri Senate District Map 2024 and information on Missouri State Senators 2024.

Call to Action:

Joey LaSalle’s comprehensive approach to tackling crime, boosting the economy, creating jobs, and improving community resources, education, health services, and infrastructure makes him the ideal candidate for Missouri State Senate, District 7. Kansas City has been misrepresented in Jefferson City for too long, and it’s time for effective leadership that understands the needs of our community. Joey is committed to lowering taxes and ensuring affordable housing, making him the only Republican candidate who will truly represent Kansas City and Grandview in a supermajority Republican state. Joey isn’t just another politician—he’s a problem solver who puts people first, not personal gain.

To learn more about Joey’s detailed plans for Missouri’s 7th District, visit For an overview of his stance and how he compares to other candidates, check out this article at Missouri Senate District 7 | KC Voter Guide 2024. You can also find more information about his campaign and political views on Ballotpedia and his profile on Lyke. Joey stands alongside Tracey Chappell for prosecutor in Jackson County, the only candidate with the experience to address our community’s challenges. Discover more about her at

We also support Republican Derron Black’s efforts in District 9. Like us, Derron is dedicated to genuine leadership that prioritizes the community over political ambitions. Learn about his values at

For a brighter future in Kansas City and Grandview, elect Joey LaSalle, the candidate ready to make real change. Follow Joey on Facebook at and Twitter at @Joe4Mo7 and explore his priorities at Together, let’s bring the leadership Kansas City deserves to Jefferson City.