Joey LaSalle

Missouri Senate Districts: How many do we have?

Missouri, with its rich history and diverse population, is divided into several districts for various purposes. Understanding these districts is key to grasping the state’s governance and representation.

This article delves into the different types of districts in Missouri, highlighting the significance of District Seven and Joey LaSalle’s vision for its future.

An Overview of Missouri’s Districts

Missouri, a state in the Midwestern United States, is divided into multiple districts for various administrative and political purposes. The state features 114 counties and one independent city. Each district serves a unique role, whether in terms of governance, representation, or statistical analysis.

The Missouri House of Representatives consists of 163 districts, while the Missouri Senate is composed of 34 districts. These districts are structured to ensure that each region has equitable representation in the state legislature. Moreover, Missouri’s eight congressional districts are responsible for representing the state at the federal level.

District Representation and Redistricting

Every decade, Missouri undergoes a redistricting process in which district boundaries are redrawn based on the latest census data. This ensures that population shifts are accounted for and that all districts provide equal representation. Redistricting can significantly impact political representation and resource allocation.

In Missouri, the redistricting process is managed by a bipartisan commission for state legislative districts and the state legislature for congressional districts. This process often generates heated debates as political parties vie for advantageous boundaries. The ultimate goal is to create districts that reflect changes in population while maintaining fair and effective representation.

The Importance of District Seven

District Seven, which includes parts of Kansas City and Grandview, is a significant area with unique challenges and opportunities. This district is known for its diverse population and economic activities.

One of the pressing issues in District Seven is crime. Kansas City, in particular, has faced challenges related to violence and property crimes. Improving public safety and reducing crime rates are critical priorities.

Additionally, economic development is a major focus in this district. Efforts to stimulate job growth and attract businesses are ongoing. Revitalizing local economies can lead to improved quality of life for residents.

Joey LaSalle’s Vision for District Seven

Joey LaSalle is a prominent candidate for Missouri Senate representing District Seven. His campaign focuses on addressing the key issues facing this district, including crime, economic development, and public services. LaSalle’s approach emphasizes practical solutions and community involvement.

LaSalle aims to implement strategies that reduce crime by enhancing law enforcement and community policing efforts. He understands that a safer community is essential for prosperous economic growth.

Regarding the economy, LaSalle plans to foster a business-friendly environment that encourages both local entrepreneurship and attracts larger corporations. Lowering taxes and reducing regulatory burdens are part of his economic strategy.

Educational and Public Services

Education is another crucial aspect of LaSalle’s campaign. He advocates for improved funding for public schools and greater access to educational resources for all students. LaSalle believes that education is the cornerstone of a thriving community.

Public services also play a vital role in sustaining the community. Ensuring access to healthcare, transportation, and social services are part of LaSalle’s broader vision for District Seven. He aims to work with local governments and organizations to provide these essential services efficiently.

LaSalle’s comprehensive approach to public services indicates his commitment to enhancing the overall well-being of the district’s residents.

Community and Cultural Development

Community engagement and cultural development are key components of LaSalle’s platform. He recognizes the importance of fostering a sense of community and supporting cultural initiatives.

Promoting arts and culture can lead to a vibrant and dynamic community atmosphere. LaSalle supports local cultural projects and events that celebrate the district’s diversity and heritage.

Building strong community ties through neighborhood associations and support networks is another focus area. LaSalle believes that a connected community is a resilient community.


Missouri’s district structure plays a crucial role in the state’s governance and representation. District Seven, with its unique challenges and opportunities, is a focal point for both political attention and community development.

Joey LaSalle’s vision for addressing the issues in this district covers crime reduction, economic development, education, and public services. His comprehensive approach aims to improve the quality of life for the residents of District Seven.

Missouri’s district structure plays a crucial role in the state’s governance and representation. District Seven, with its unique challenges and opportunities, is a focal point for both political attention and community development.

Joey LaSalle’s vision for addressing the issues in this district covers crime reduction, economic development, education, and public services. His comprehensive approach aims to improve the quality of life for the residents of District Seven.

Missouri’s Republican Supermajority and Joey’s Role

Missouri’s Republican supermajority has a significant influence on legislative decisions and resource allocation. Joey LaSalle can effectively work within this supermajority to advocate for the needs of the district. His ability to navigate this political landscape is crucial for addressing community concerns and implementing necessary changes.

To explore how the supermajority impacts state policies, check out the Missouri Senate District Map 2024 and information on Missouri State Senators 2024.

Call to Action:

Joey LaSalle’s comprehensive approach to tackling crime, boosting the economy, creating jobs, and improving community resources, education, health services, and infrastructure makes him the ideal candidate for Missouri State Senate, District 7. Kansas City has been misrepresented in Jefferson City for too long, and it’s time for effective leadership that understands the needs of our community. Joey is committed to lowering taxes and ensuring affordable housing, making him the only Republican candidate who will truly represent Kansas City and Grandview in a supermajority Republican state. Joey isn’t just another politician—he’s a problem solver who puts people first, not personal gain.

To learn more about Joey’s detailed plans for Missouri’s 7th District, visit For an overview of his stance and how he compares to other candidates, check out this article at Missouri Senate District 7 | KC Voter Guide 2024. You can also find more information about his campaign and political views on Ballotpedia and his profile on Lyke. Joey stands alongside Tracey Chappell for prosecutor in Jackson County, the only candidate with the experience to address our community’s challenges. Discover more about her at

We also support Republican Derron Black’s efforts in District 9. Like us, Derron is dedicated to genuine leadership that prioritizes the community over political ambitions. Learn about his values at

For a brighter future in Kansas City and Grandview, elect Joey LaSalle, the candidate ready to make real change. Follow Joey on Facebook at and Twitter at @Joe4Mo7 and explore his priorities at Together, let’s bring the leadership Kansas City deserves to Jefferson City.